11 October 2019 – EMC Baja Championship Round 4 saw Mark and Chloe on the start line with a comfortable 16 point lead in the championship. The day started great with the buggy running well through the rain soaked dune valleys until they experienced a split tyre.
The ambient temperature started to rise fast, the sand began to dry out and the team were fighting to regain the time lost, but this is when Chloe succumbed to dehydration and the team had to head back to the bivouac as fast (and as safely) as possible. The medics were on hand and she was transferred from the race car into the awaiting ambulance where the medics skill shone through and within a short time, Chloe was smiling again, albeit weakened.

Discretion being the better part of valour, the team decided to sit the second leg out and recorded a DNF. Well I guess we can’t be on the podium at every event! 🙂